> I'd like to put in a steel I-beam with one of those little trolly cars to
> hook up my winch. Then I could move it sideways whilst I rolled the car
> fore-and-aft (won't work with a Europa, though).
> Even better is a pair of beams at the sides of the shop and a beam which
> travels along them. Then I'd have full coverage like I had in the machine
> shops where I used to work. That may be over-reaching for me. Where does
> one buy this kind of stuff?
> Phil Ethier Saint Paul Minnesota USA
> Europa, Quantum Syncro, Suburban
> pethier@isd.net http://www.visi.com/mac/
When in doubt pull out the McMaster Carr catalog. On page 919 they
have bridge crane kits. You supply the I beams, they sell the end trucks
and trolleys. $500 - $900 depending on capacity. Unless you want
motorized. then make it up to $5000.
Mark Miller
big dreams, tiny garage.