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Re: [Mgs] brakes

To: "James Schulte" <>, <>, "Peter
Subject: Re: [Mgs] brakes
From: "Paul Hunt" <>
Date: Tue, 4 Dec 2007 16:37:21 -0000
Run-out gives long initial travel, but not spongy, then after the first pump 
and assuming you have come to a standstill, each successive press of the 
pedal, no long how long you wait, will have a normal pedal feel.

Poor hand brake adjustment also gives a long pedal and no sponginess, but 
you will get that same sensation with every application even at a 

With air in the system you get a long travel *and* spongy, but with a couple 
of pumps this will seems to give a normal pedal.  But leaving it just a few 
seconds, even when stationary, the pedal will go long and spongy again.

With bulging hoses you will get near normal travel but sponginess with every 

Of course you could have any combination of the above ...


----- Original Message ----- 
> Jim,   If your front wheel bearings have significant wear or run-out,
> then while you drive the rotors wobbling a tad will cause the pads
> and pistons to retract too much, so the pedal requires much more
> travel resulting in a spongy feel.

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