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Re: Engine Conversions alt. fuels

Subject: Re: Engine Conversions alt. fuels
From: "David Breneman" <>
Date: Thu, 30 Jan 2003 15:06:37 -0800 (PST)
Barrie Robinson SEZ -
> So where does one mine hydrogen?  I mean you wouldn't have to burn coal, 
> gas or oil to produce the electricity to hydrolise water to produce 
> hydrogen would you?

Yes you would.  That's the main thing that's kept hydrogen from
becoming a commercially viable energy source.  It takes a lot
more energy to separate it from water than it produces when
burned.  About the only way you can even come close to making
hydrogen a cost-effective fuel is to use nuclear power plants
to create the power to separate it, and we all know what the
environmentalists think of the prospect of building more of those!
I'd imagine you're not going to see widespread use of hydrogen
as a fuel until fusion power becomes commercially viable, and
it seems to be one of those technologies that's perpetually
"just around the corner".

David Breneman                   | "Before there were CDs there were
Distributed Systems S/W Analyst  |  records, and before there were
Airborne Express, Inc.           |  records, there were 78s."      |                  --- Seen on eBay

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