You are probably correct in that there
is no universally reconginsed definintion of a classic car.
Just like there is no universally reconginsed definintion
of "system analyst". Stock brokers to computer
programmers think of themselves as
system analysts. And I probably have left out some
other profession and will get flamed for my omission(s). wrote:
> As the originator of this thread I want to offer my sincere and humble
> apology to all of you who endured the responses, followups and unbelievably
> obscure and confusing diatribes.
> Thankfully I am spending more time driving my MG than theorizing about
> physics and playing physycological warfare.
> Also, thanks to all who responded with a practical answer.
> However, in my mind, the question remains unanswered as far as a universally
> recognized definition of a classic car.
> Mel
> 71 MGB/GT semi-regular driver
/// mailing list
/// (If they are dupes, this trailer may also catch them.)