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Re: rear axle dilemma

To: David Councill <>,
Subject: Re: rear axle dilemma
From: S & M Barnes <>
Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2001 09:43:20 -0600
> I've run into a strange problem (or so it appears) on my son's 65B
> restoration. The back tires appear to be contacting the sidewalls at

Just went out and measured our unrestored 1965B, we have wire wheels with
165/14 tyres, the tops of the arches are about 1/4 inch below the top of the
tread (YAY - it's level!), right hand side there is 1 inch clearance between
the tyre and the arch, left hand side is 1 1/2 inches.

Hope this helps - but now I am wondering how to / if I can put the axle in
the middle! :-)



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