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Re: mgb painting/bodywork/sill repair ?'s

To: "Dan Hackney" <>, <>
Subject: Re: mgb painting/bodywork/sill repair ?'s
From: "Michael Lupynec" <>
Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2001 09:59:42 -0500

On my MGA the outer sills were perfect. After removing the fenders
the inner sills were slightly perforated at both ends. Going
concours, I decided to cut the body and do it right. Once the
cancer has started it will spread. On the other hand it might have
held out for years with antirust oil and no salt. On the other
hand you will be sorry if you have to ever go back and practically
redo the car all over again.

You have a monocoque (creaking?) - much more critical. The pricing
from either gent means nothing until you all decide on the sills.
Check your catalogues for replacement sill panels & pieces (I'm
guessing $200 per side). Usually a paid bodyman will cost you more
than that if he has to make them up from scratch, but for some
simpler bits it goes the other way. The body guy should make that
call. This will also give you a chance to evaluate the two guys.

I would say that if you go with either guy, make sure its a real
quote not to be exceeded and that the work will get finished i.e.
progress payments. With the cheaper less experienced one, between
the two of you there should be some expertise.

Mike L
----- Original Message -----
From: Dan Hackney <>
Subject: mgb painting/bodywork/sill repair ?'s

> Hello all,
> Well, the time has come for me and my father to make decisions
critical to
> the life our MG.  Background first:  The car needs to be
stripped of paint
> and repainted.

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