JustBrits wrote:
> <<Clean the wires, (splay the stands and lightly sand them)
> wrap them together tightly, then solder them as you described.>>
> FINALLY !!! Paul, you have "hit the nail on the head" !!
> NO ONE seems to recall, that in most cases, these wires are TWENTY years old
> and are far from new shinny bare copper.
Most of us have come up against this problem. Corroded copper
just won't work. However, it always seemed wrong to abrade the
finish to prep it for soldering. Is there a solution that can be used to
strip away the copper oxides and sulfides leaving the metal ready
for soldering.
Another point is that of 'tinning' the wires before soldering them.
That is a technique where the strands a 'wire' are twisted tightly
together and then solder is applied BEFORE making the connection.
The result is a stiffer wire that can be tightly connected. One can
also make the solder connection with all-but no additional solder.
> --
Rick Lindsay
Diamond Geoscience Research
5727 S. Lewis Ave., Tulsa, OK
Voice: +1 918-747-3456
Fax: +1 918-747-8599