I don't know what you've checked, but consider this.
On some older MGs there is a screen filter on the end of the fuel
line inside the fuel tank. I understand that early MGB's used
the MGA tank which does NOT have this filter. However, there may
be one.
Fuel Pump ground: The fuel pump is usually isolated from the car
by a rubber mount to cut down on the noise. If the ground wire
is missing, the only ground the pump has is through the metal
fuel line! This of course isn't designed for this purpose,
especially if there are fuel filters, and rubber hoses in the
There is also a dome shaped filter screen under the dome of the
inlet side of the fuel pump if it is a 200 series pump.
I can't tell from my carb book, but there may also be filter
screens in the carbs also. The early H4's or HD4s have them
under the banjo union. It is a thimble shaped screen. However,
I can't find any for the HS4 or HIF carbs.
If you have low fuel delivery problems, it will agrivate vapor
lock problems.