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Re: Changing Capacitors

To: "mgs-digest list" <>,
Subject: Re: Changing Capacitors
From: "Fred Pixley" <>
Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 18:48:57 -0500

The condenser that failed was in the car when I bought it, so I don't know
it's history, but it had done 5000 + miles which should have revealed any
manufacturing defect.   It may have just worn out.


----- Original Message -----
From: Simon Matthews <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, January 21, 2000 6:23 PM
Subject: Changing Capacitors

> Fred,
> But the capacitor that failed, how old was it? If it was fairly new, then
> fits my theory that you experienced an infant mortality.
> My point is that by changing the capacitor every 5k miles, you may be more
> likely, not less likely, to experience a failure.
> Simon
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