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Re: MGB Heater core

To: "Dave McLeod" <>, "MG List" <>
Subject: Re: MGB Heater core
From: Max Heim <>
Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 15:54:30 -0800
AAAAAH! Stop right now!

No, really, DO NOT ATTEMPT TO REMOVE THE BOX! You'll only come to grief. 
Merely remove the front cover of the box (after removing the clips and 
the two water hoses) and simply and easily remove the heater core from 
the box. Leave the main box in place.

The Moss catalog exploded view unfortunately is from the back side, and 
gives no indication of the order-of-assembly issues. Take it from me, the 
box will not come out until you go under the dash, behind the center 
console, and disconnect the heater flap control, pull the two rubber vent 
tube elbows, and pull the two tubes out of the bottom of the lower heater 
box (there may be a few other little things that I forgot). And my very 
strong recommendation is, DON'T DO THAT! Putting them back together is 
about one thousand times more difficult than taking them apart.

BTDT, have the scars to prove it...

Dave McLeod had this to say:

>This is Dave from Victoria Canada. 
>Just want a bit of advice on taking the heater core
>out of my 78 B. Does it come out from under the hood?
>I can't seem to get the box the hoses off
>and everything, I can get the hampster wheel and motor
>out, but the box won't budge..undid the clips and the
>nuts holding it to the firewall. Am I just not trying
>hard enough? 
>Thanks for any help you can provide
>Ben Carufel ( says HI! He is doing OK
>and misses you all.
>Do You Yahoo!?


Max Heim
'66 MGB GHN3L76149
If you're near Mountain View, CA,
it's the red one with the silver bootlid.

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