Let's not be too hard on the SUV owners.
I personally own a '74 B and an SUV.
Granted it is not something as large as a Suburban.
But it is an SUV none the less.
In many areas (especially in Seattle) an SUV is actually
more practical than a B.
Case in point. You do not know what stress is until you are caught
in a torrential downpour in Seattle traffic on the freeway in your B.
However, I do agree that many people that drive the larger SUV's
do not have a clue what they need to do to drive a vehicle of that
size safely.
The key is that we ALL need to lookout for each other
regardless of what we are driving.
I personally have had way more bad expediences with people
in mini-vans than ANY other type of vehicle.
John Walker
~= Early 1974 MGB =~
In Progress :)