> Sorry to make you live through this again....
> Legend has it that you'll ruin your seals with normal DOT3 brake fluid.
Which begs the obvious question.....
Tony, you're right, that's a legend. New kits are designed to work with DOT
3 or DOT 4 brake fluid. The only problem you MAY have with DOT 3 or DOT 4
brake fluid is if you are using New Old Stock [NOS] kits. With some older
braking systems, new rebuild kits for certain components are not available.
In that case the only recourse may be to locate, and use, a NOS rebuild kit.
Of course this means that the "rubber" in those kits may be the old formula
which might be effected by DOT 3 or DOT 4 brake fluid.
If you are talking about MGB, MGA, or MG Midget cars new kits are available
with "rubber" which has been formulated to be compatible with DOT 3 or DOT 4
brake fluid. I would imagine it would be very difficult to locate a NOS kit
for these cars, but if you could locate one, even it may not be affected by
DOT 3 or DOT 4 brake fluid. Apparently during the 1960's brake component
"rubber" parts were undergoing re-formulation so they would be compatible
with DOT 3 or DOT 4 brake fluid. Just to cover my butt I recommend you
check with the manufacturer of the kit you are using to see which fluid it
is compatible with; and, test the "rubber" before you install it, just drop
a "rubber" piece from the kit in the brake fluid you will be using and see
what happens.
This isn't conjecture by me, I have just finished researching this. Beside
my local sources, I checked with Apple Hydraulics. Apple was the only
company I could think of, with which most listers are familiar. I know some
on this list think Apple Hydraulics' quality is inconsistent, but I believe
their knowledge has never been questioned.
Apple Hydraulics did suggest DOT 5 [silicone] brake fluid not be used, it
may cause problems even with some new "rubber".
If anyone else on this list would like to check with another brake component
rebuilder and report back to us, I for one, would encourage it.
Larry Hoy, Denver, CO USA
1970 MGB Daily Driver ~ 1967 MGB Vintage Racer ~ 1969 MGB Undergoing V8