Hello MGers,
Hope all is well with you getting your assorted brit cars ready for the
warm season. I'm coming along myself - I've replaced the brake lines
(which looked as old, if not older, than the entire 73 B itself), the
heater control valve (with a gasket now) some hoses, and made some hacks
into the electrical system whose effectiveness seems to vary day to day.
Anyhow, I took a trip to Flying Circuis Cars in Durham, NC. They're a
Brit car specialist where I buy my parts. So I go to buy shims for the
front hubs (which rattled about horribly) and a guy came in from the
garage area telling me something interesting. I'd like to bounce this
off the group, it seems odd.
He said that the big spacer, and the accompanying shims, could be
installed in the trash can rather than the hub. "Conical bearings can
accept the load themselves no problem; people used to think you had to
make perfect contact between the bearing housings with those shims, but
all the cars we work on, we just pull all that stuff out.
Odd, no? I tried it. The hub can be put together and adjusted up just
fine without all this stuff. But concerned for the longevity of the
bearings (they say "made in england," so they must be as old as the car
too...) I haven't really finalized the work.
Any thoughts on this odd suggestion?
Karl Shultz
95 Integra GS-R, black, loud
73 MGB, orange, only marginally drivable