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Re: I think it was preordained....

Subject: Re: I think it was preordained....
From: Robert Allen <>
Date: Tue, 29 Jul 1997 11:49:28 -0500 wrote:

> I've noticed much talk about the younger generation getting into the LBC
> boat, I for one am big time.  When I was born in 1981, my dad had a TR6
> (ahh!!) anyways, when my little sister came along, he was forced to sell,
> needed to buy a house... Anyways, prior to the TR6, he had owned 2 MGBs, and
> had driven an MGC a fair amount. He promised my mom when he sold the TR6,
> that when I was old enough to drive, he was going to buy another MG, well, I
> turned 16, and wouldn't you know it, McB's behind my house has a 741/2 MGB GT
> for sale, with a sweetly bored out engine in it,  well, I learned how to
> drive a tisck in that car, and I love it, so do all of my friends.
> <snip>
> Enjoy those cars!!! And leave a couple to be restored for the younger
> guys, (especially a Mini cooper) :)
>                                           Ian Wisbon
>                                            74 1/2 MGB GT

Oh, Ian, for a while there you were spewing such heartfelt and rational prose.
And then you went and spoilt it with your stated asperation for a Mini Cooper.
My Gawd, Lad, what do you wanna go down that path for?

As you are a naive young man I am compelled to warn you that owner's of Mini
Coopers will never procreate or, at most, have little chance of offspring smart
enough to wash a windscreen and scratch at the same time.

If you ever have asperations of a sexual nature which could involve someone in
addition to yourself, you must never admit ownership of an Austin Mini (Cooper
or non). For a mini-driver, the only possible relationship that could lead to
coitus would have to be prefaced with some large monetary exchange and/or a
debilitating amount of mind-numbing beverages.

Careful, Lad, or your gene pool will go septic.
Bob Allen, Kansas City, '69CGT, '75TR6, '61Elva(?)
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie!'.... until you can find a rock."

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