When I do this I wrap the distributor in plastic. It is tough to wrap
watertight because of the wires, but it might help some. I also wrap the
air filters to keep from soaking them and to prevent water finding its
way into the engine.
David Littlefield
Houston, TX
On Sun, 9 Mar 1997 20:08:26 +0000 "Paul Hammarstedt" <wfme@mail.mc.net>
>> Would steam cleaning the engine bay of my car at one of those
>coin-op car washes
>> cause any damage to the paint, mechanical or electrical stuff on my
>car? I was
>> thinking it would be an easy way to tidy it up a bit. The paint is
>fine, it's
>> just a little dirty. And wiping around all those hoses and wires
>would be a
>> major pain. Thanks for your advice.
>> Joseph
>> 67 B
>I did that to a TR-6 and MGB and both times got moisture into the
>distributor cap. So be prepared to dry it out or you'll have to push
>it home (tee hee).
>Also loose paint sometimes gets removed.
>Good luck
>Paul Hammarstedt
>Crystal Lake, Illinois