Will, you wrote:
>Regarding a list member's inquiries into the appropriateness of a price
>for a 1600 MGA coupe for sale (that hasn't been on the road for 11 years):
>Why would you want one?
For the same reason you would buy any old auto - the "thrill" (numerous
emotional states considered here) of owning a unique piece of machinery.
>I'ts my impression from other coupe owners that the
>think is a bloody oven in the summer; deffinately reaching the level
>where they simply decline to drive it.
This is the reasoning (logic?) I presented to my wife, at the time, for
buying an A roadster. The coupe was comfortable (i.e. warm & dry) in
the cold and rain, the roadster cool and airy in the warm, dry weather.
>Price starts seem irrelevant in the
>case of a car that just does't strike me as desireable.
I agree Will. Why purchase an item one doesn't like.
It's all a matter of preference.
Mike Lambdin