> I use Netscape for a web browser and wonder if theres a well thought out
> way to save sorted messages from the list as text files for archival.
> SNIP <
> Does any one have a method or system that works well. So that maybe you
> could save all the engine related messages in one directory (or folder
> or file or ???) and print them with a word processor someday?
I also use Netscape as my browser,but not the mail or news
features, simply because I find them both too basic. I use Pegasus
WinMail ( http://www.pegasus.usa.com/ ), a free shareware, as my
mail program. I have it filter my incoming mail into folders - MG
list goes to MG, British Car list goes to BritCar, a couple of local
autocross/race group lists go to AutoX and PDX Race, respectively,
and my general mail goes to the New Mail folder. When I find a
particular piece I want to save rather than delete, I have Pegasus
Move it to the appropriate folder. For some mail, I just select
portions I want to keep, and paste into MS WordPad, to save as a text
file. Pegasus has its own mail list, which you can also obtain as a
newsgroup (bit.listserv.pmail). It is available to run under a
variety of operating systems, in a variety of languages, stand-alone
or on network. It is produced as a labor of love, and is distributed
free of charge.
Jerry Causey - 1967 MGB GT
Whidbey Island, Washington, embraced by the Puget Sound
(fairly close to Seattle, and the rest of the USA)