How to save e-mail you want to keep...
I run a 486DX PC @ 33 Mhz with 8 megs of RAM.
I just highlight the e-mail text I want to copy, do a "crtl C" then "alt tab"
over to Word Perfect (which I always leave running). There I open a new
document ("ctrl N") then "ctrl V" to paste the text on the new document. If
you then hit "F3" (save) all you have to do is name the document and it
saved. Then I "alt tab" back to my internet program and delete the original
document. This all takes less than 30 seconds. I'm sure there's cooler ways
to do this but, it sure works well.
R. Johnson - Dallas
'90 Maine Coon
'79 Midget
'76 Midget
'73 MGB