At 10:15 AM 1/12/97 -0500, John H. Gindlesberger wrote:
>Before I stored my 53 TD this fall, I had a problem with the speedo. It
>functions and seems fairly accurate, but it responds to speed VERY
>sluggishly. When accelerating, for example,the car's actual speed and
>that indicated on the speedo are grossly different. As the car reaches
>a steady cruising speed, the speedo finally catches up. The reverse
>happends when decelerating.
>I've had it apart and cleaned and oiled it, with no change. I alos
>replaced the cable.
>Any ideas?
>Thanks, John
John, maybe its me, but I never saw an acurate speedo on a T type. My TC is
chronomic and moves like a second hand of a watch. The TF works by varying
at speed by twenry miles per hour. I could on the TF take the average of
those swings, and subtract 10 or do as I actually do, ignore the speedo and
look at the tach. The PA has no speedo, just the tach, and thats all you