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Re: TD speedo

Subject: Re: TD speedo
From: (Robert J. Donahue)
Date: Sun, 12 Jan 1997 19:45:59 -0500 (EST)
>John, maybe its me, but I never saw an acurate speedo on a T type. My TC is
>chronomic and moves like a second hand of a watch. The TF works by varying
>at speed by twenry miles per hour. I could on the TF take the average of
>those swings, and subtract 10 or do as I actually do, ignore the speedo and
>look at the tach.  The PA has no speedo, just the tach, and thats all you

I've had the speedo from my TD apart and wached it work. It seems to have
a digital nature. It looks like it counts the revolutions against a 
time base. There is gear shaft that moves in and out periodically
engaging and disengaging the gear. The needle twitches in sync with this
time base. Anyway it all seems to be all done with gears. The tach seems
to work the same way. Does anybody out there know how this works?

Bob Donahue, Still Stuck in the '50s           
53 MG-TD under DIY restoration
71 MGB still in shop, 14 months and counting (the TD is winning)

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