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Re: MGB Rear Brakes

To: (Paul D Kile),
Subject: Re: MGB Rear Brakes
From: (Jay Tilton)
Date: Fri, 28 Jun 1996 16:28:32 +0600
Paul D Kile wrote:

>Jay, you questioned the comment that Fred Kroeger made in his rear 
>brake posting "The crossbar is not attached".  I think this refers to 
>the handbrake cable not being attached to the levers at the rear of the 
>brake drums.

Aha!  How silly of me not to remember that.  If that's what you meant,
Fred, I can see the reason for adding the comment--implies that there
can be no tension at all on the lever.

>1977 and later Bs used a rod to 
>connect the rear brake levers, instead of a short cable like earlier 
>Bs used.

Well...almost right.  The rods were introduced in the middle of the 1977
year.  Mine (#411213) still has the cables.  :)  Having a car produced
early in the 1977 model year, I run into all sorts of silly little oddities
like that that distinguish mine from most other last-gasp-era MGB's.

>My hypothesis 
>for his problem is that the riveted brake levers 
>are swapped left side to right side.  That could cause 
>his problem.

Suppose that's a possibility.  It might cause a slight change in the
position of the shoes, and back there "slight" means "too much."
How about it, Fred?  The bar that runs between the shoes should be
below the lever that sticks out the backplate.
Jay Tilton  |

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