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Re: Replacing Door Glass Rubber Seal, and GT Update

To: "David M. Hall" <>
Subject: Re: Replacing Door Glass Rubber Seal, and GT Update
From: (Ross MacPherson)
Date: Thu, 6 Jun 1996 06:33:28 -0700
>Now for the experimental part:  I got some 6mil thick sheet plastic,
>and glued that to the floor, and up the sides and over the sills(?).
Should prevent ANY
>water from ever getting to the floor!  (Well, we'll see.)  Then, I got some
padding from
>a local car upholstry shop and glued that down to cut down on noise and heat.  

I'm no expert Dave, but I was with you right up to this point.  I've NEVER
seen plastic do as a good a job keeping water out as it does keeping
moisture IN.  Condensation will inevitably form under the plastic, even if
you live in Arizona, and will sit beneath the plastic and start to do what
condensation does.   If it were me ( and it soon will be!) I'd back up one
step and pull the plastic out.  Everything else sounds like a good plan.

>WAY too much fun!
That IS why we do it , isn't it?!

   ___        \______           Ross MacPherson
  / __ \ __ /       /------|)
/  (___)---------/ (___)        1947 MG-TC 3528
                                                1966 MGB-GT ( it's getting 

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