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Re: Bob's Brake Saga - Brake Cylinder Orientation Update

To: <>, "Bob Howard" <>
Subject: Re: Bob's Brake Saga - Brake Cylinder Orientation Update
From: "Blair J. Weiss" <>
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 18:59:29 -0400
Just so it's perfectly clear...

There is a picture of the right hand front of my car. The shoes open into
the direction of the drum, so there is a "wedging" action.  The "front" cyl.
is facing towards the ground, and the rear cyl  is facing upwards.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bob Howard" <>
To: <>
Cc: <>; <>
Sent: Monday, September 19, 2005 3:12 PM
Subject: Re: Bob's Brake Saga - Brake Cylinder Orientation Update

> Lawrie,
>  Thanks for the clarification.  Now I can check that mine are installed
> as intended.
> Bob
> On Mon, 19 Sep 2005 11:57:56 -0700 "Lawrie Alexander"
> <> writes:
>> Chiming in rather late here (busy weekend!) but a couple of points
>> need
>> making ....
>> All four pictures on page M6 of the shop manual show right-side
>> brakes. (The
>> TD/TF brake hose is located behind the king pin, Bob.) From this we
>> can
>> deduce that the leading ends of both front brake shoes are forced
>> into
>> initial contact with the drum, providing what is sometimes referred
>> to as
>> "servo action". At the rear, the wheel cylinder floats so
>> application of
>> hydraulic pressure, theoretically, moves the piston downwards while
>> the
>> cylinder itself moves upwards, applying equal pressure to one
>> leading and
>> one trailing end of the rear shoes.
>> The illustrations show the lining material going all the way to the
>> end of
>> the shoe at the trailing end, but leaving a space at the leading
>> end. In my
>> experience, not all re-lining companies follow this practice - some
>> re-lined
>> shoes will have linings all the way to each end of the shoe. This
>> does not
>> seem to compromise the action of the brakes. However, going back to
>> an
>> earlier question about tight linings, it is often necessary to file
>> or sand
>> (with proper breathing protection, of course) material off at each
>> end to
>> allow the linings to fit inside the drums with proper clearance.
>> Everybody clear now? :<)
>> Lawrie
>> British Sportscar Center

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