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re: adding fuel to the fire

To: mg-t@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: re: adding fuel to the fire
From: Jarl&CaroldeBoer <>
Date: Thu, 30 Apr 1998 14:06:52 -0700
Been there, done that!

It DID make it a LOT easier to pop off the lids and wipe out the mud
they added to your gas at no charge in the "good old days". Thank heaven
for fuel injection, it's made life with the old carburetors a LOT easier
- those in-line oil filters on the gas pumps help a lot.   Jarl
Jonathan Butler wrote:
> At 14:39 30/04/98 -0400, Carolyn & Bob Grunau wrote:
> >Jarl, sorry but I disagree with you on the routing of the carb overflow
> >pipes on the TD.
> >
> Just to throw "a spanner in the works" we all used to cut these off at
> a point level with the bottom of the float chamber. Stopped syphoning
> you see!!.
> Don't ask what happened when you pulled the starter knob and started
> a fire.
> Jonathan Butler, Newport, Salop.

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