Read it again!
The comment I made was to the effect that having USFRA run a record class
that SCTA did not run would be akin to you accepting Maxton records.
I did not recommend it at all and gave my reasons why I thought our running
a class you didn't run was not wise.
on 10/12/01 1:03 PM, glen barrett at wrote:
> Wes
> I have to disagree with you regarding SCTA accepting the Speeds/ Records set
> at maxton. First it's a one mile course, second it's pavement not dirt. Two
> different venues.Lets keep the racing on the salts flats just that. I don't
> have a problem with USFRA running 130 & 150 class cars or bar stools. That's
> your choice for the USFRA.
> Like you said it's very costly and hard to get volunteers for the events two
> times a year for each assoc. We need to take the time to study adding any
> new classes to the roster we have. At the lakes a few years ago a couple of
> motorcycle racers wanted a three wheel class for bikes. We agreed if there
> was enough entries to warrant it. They showed up with two bikes and paid the
> entry for the 3rd ghost bike. They ran a few meets a never came back.
> We are very careful when dealing with the requests for more classes and will
> continue to be. Last year someone wanted fuel classes for modified sports.
> What next.? The nascar class could be a can of worms with the different
> series they have. I'm not sure about the actual body contours of these
> vehicle but I know some of the profiles appear to be other then stock.
> Well I better get to packing for the World Finals.
> Glen (just my thoughts)
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "wspotter" <>
> To: "Keith Turk" <>; "Dan Warner" <>;
> "land speed" <>
> Sent: Friday, October 12, 2001 1:22 PM
> Subject: Re: classes
>> Hold on here guys,
>> We worked for many years for a universal acceptance of USFRA as a
> valid
>> racing sponsor group. The whole thing came together when we were able to
>> have records set at USFRA events accepted by SCTA. USFRA always did
>> recognize the records and rules in the SCTA rule book. Why should we now
>> add some racing class that would create a reason to make a division?
>> Why not have the SCTA accept records set at Maxton? Really it's the
>> same kind of problem.
>> We already get enough crap from a few SCTA people over the 130 and 150
>> Club classes. Where does it benefit us to run a full on racing class that
>> should be run at all events? Let them run in the 150 Club class? It
> won't
>> change anything. What happens when one of the cars goes over 160 mph?
>> If they are not Bonneville records, accepted by SCTA/BNI as well as
>> USFRA we are back at 1985. The 2 Club is a separate entity with their own
>> agenda. Neither Dan nor I want to get into that.
>> Perhaps they could plan on running a trial NASCAR class the last three
>> days of Speed Week when they are down to racers almost running laps. With
>> enough interest there might be a reason to look at a formal acceptance as
> a
>> class. Rooms in Wendover? There wasn't a problem on Monday Aug 13. Lots
>> of them available.
>> July event? Not until they quit pumping and we are on the long
> course
>> and we are able to charge entry fees that would actually cover the cost of
>> putting on an event that costs over $50,000. We don't have the luxury of
>> the number of workers/racers who are required to fill specific stations to
>> put on two events without working some people to death.
>> Wes
>> on 10/12/01 9:08 AM, Keith Turk at wrote:
>>> Dan as long as the Two Club would accept the records it's a great Idea
> to
>>> move these classes to USFRA meets.... or maybe even get the First meet
>>> back ... I would love to see USFRA grow some more... your right they put
> on
>>> a GREAT meet....
>>> How would this work?
>>> K
>>> ----------
>>>> From: Dan Warner <>
>>>> To: land speed <>
>>>> Subject: classes
>>>> Date: Friday, October 12, 2001 10:57 AM
>>>> such as the new
>>>> "nostalgia" class, it will be made up of
>>>> vehicles that were designed to turn right
>>>> and left
>>>> ******************************
>>>> Joe,
>>>> This statement is not entirely true. Sure, the orginal vehicles were
>>> purchased
>>>> for normal driving just like a WC "stock car"(?). The new Classic
>>> Category was
>>>> installed primarly to bring back cars that were already built for LSR
> at
>>> the
>>>> request of the people involved. If new vehicles are built to compete in
>>> this
>>>> category so much the better.
>>>> I fail to see the like comparision.
>>>> If another group of classes is added and the proposed number of entries
>>> show
>>>> up in Wendover where will you house them in August? The town is already
>>> to
>>>> capacitiy for us, rates are unreal, service is poor if it exists at
> all..
>>> At
>>>> World of Speed, at 5:30 AM, Henry Louie and I waited for close to 20
>>> minutes
>>>> before one of seven servers approach us for a breakfast order. This was
>>> done
>>>> only after Henry spoke to some kind of shift manager. While waiting for
>>> our
>>>> meal the waitress was removed in handcuffs, caught in a INS raid. I had
>>> to
>>>> leave to get to the racetrack for record runs. Henry was unable to find
>>> anyone
>>>> to total a bill so he could pay.
>>>> I think a good approach would be to lobby the USFRA for these classes.
>>> The
>>>> event is less crowded and they could use the entry monies. They
> certainly
>>>> deserve it, they put on a super meet when all the conditions are right.
>>>> Dan Warner
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