E D I T Y O U R R E P L I E S [before DMARC p="reject" catches
you] ! ! !
One esteemed gent penned:
If you can get a pry bar in there, try locking it against two nuts and push in
opposite rotation
to the the nut you are unscrewing.
And another (very) esteemed gent penned:
I think the easiest way to lock the flywheel is to jam a suitably sized piece
of steel or even
long socket between a ring gear tooth and a bolt in one of the starter bolt
And a third esteemed gent penned:
Use a heavy hammer to strike the opposite end of a box end wrench with heavy
The box end being on the bolt head of course.
The shock of the blow should loosen the bolts.
Now I want to REALLY "learn" just HOW you'll are gonna TIGHTEN the NEW
I hope] bolts EVENLY (torqued) ? ? ? ? ?
er, or doesn't anybody care if one shears off whilst driving down the
road ? ?
" Just Brits "
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