E D I T Y O U R R E P L I E S [before DMARC p="reject"
catches you] ! ! !*
<< On 7/8/2014 1:06 PM, Price Lindsay wrote:
The flywheel turns and won't let me loosen the 4 bolts. >>
First Price, common prob for novice/new shadetree mechanic <VBG> ! ! !
You are FAR from alone ! !
Second, apparently the two (2) Respondents either belong to
aforementioned group <G> <G> or did NOT fully read your enquiry ! ! !
Third, all you need is the the following tool:
You might try to borrow this tool from one of the BBAPS (I doubt they
would have<G>,
or I'll LOAN you mine, or try to order from a Loews Tool Dept, H.D. Tool
Dept. (I think
Loews 'Kobalt' line is better of the two), Crapsman, Ace (carries
Snap-On--- I have NO
idea re Ace Tool Brands), OR a APS that carries S-K.
If you do check BBAPS, see if they have BLIND HOLE bushing puller for SB
<G> <G> ! ! CLEANEST method for removing pilot bearing <VBG> ! ! !
" Just Brits "
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