In trying to isolate the reason for an occasional sputtering which I attributed
to sticking points in the fuel pump, I have made an observation that "may" have
some effect------I am interested in your thoughts.
I pulled the dist cap and noticed a coating of oil on the rotor contact point.
Also, the center pin in the dist cap was hung up in the cap. With no pressure
on the rotor and with the rotor contact having oil residue on it, could this be
a cause for an occasional sputter.
As some of you have pointed out, (thanks Steve and others), if the points were
sticking in one pump, the other pump would have kicked in and there shouldn't
be any sputtering------so---what do you think? I
I'd take her back out for a good run today, but sadly our summer weather has
slipped back to winter and I'm a top-down person.