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It works

To: <healeys@autox.team.net>
Subject: It works
From: "Simon Lachlan" <simon.lachlan@homecall.co.uk>
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2006 20:59:37 +0100

I reckon I've got the distributor and points in OK, as - after a lot of
reading and comparing the manuals - I got it all together. Fired up second
try. Bit rough, but hope to sort that tomorrow. 

Have to take it all apart again as one of the "boot lace" wires is really
ropey and shows potential for shorting.

So, it was the Pertronix. I installed it Christmas '99 (Boxing Day to be
precise!), so it's not that old. Lasted longer than a set of points though!
I've sent the original off to be tested. Be nice if I get a free
replacement, but I'm not holding my breathe. Sadly, we don't do that sort of
thing much over here.

Have a new set of points arriving tomorrow. Will fit them while pondering
negative earth issue, new Pertronix or go to a 123 from Holland. Quite
favour the latter, though I did say I wasn't going to pour money on this
issue! Ho hum.

So, I'm really grateful for all the help and encouragement.

Let's hope it works tomorrow!

ps I turned off the electrics in the boot - that's how confident I am of the


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