>From: Douglas W Flagg <dwflagg@juno.com>
>Give me technical information
Well of course we do provide tech articles, and are always open to more such
contributions -- perhaps you yourself have some to share?
>stories on unique and interesting Healeys,
Well of course we do publish stories on Healeys of all kinds and are always
open to more such contributions -- perhaps you yourself have some to share?
>sources for hard to find parts,
...perhaps you yourself have some to share?
>articles on people who keep the marque going like Rich Chrysler, Jim
>Taylor, Roger Moment and others.
Who will volunteer to write these profiles? I'll be looking forward to
receiving them and publishing them...
>Publish an issue with all of the technical articles for the year.
We prefer to space them out, providing a variety of features within each
>Publish an index
>of technical articles and reprint articles of interest that newer members
>may have never seen.
We seem to get enough tech articles so that we don't have to reprint old
stuff, but we're certainly open to seeing old subjects re-addressed and
updated. Sure, send them!
>Promote our advertisers with articles.
This has already been done, but if you think an update is merited, don't let
anything hold you back.
>Publish a series on the restoration of a Healey by one of the noted shops.
Write it up and send it in, brother!
>The possibilities are endless.
You're hired. You start sending these articles in, and we'll make you an
official Contributing Editor. PROMISE.
Meantime, you can find the Contributors' Guidelines here:
Let the flood of editorial contributions begin!
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