Help please - Healey listers!
My rear seat back does not fold flat as I believe it should.
I have just refitted out the rear seat compartment (see prior postings - had
been converted to a hidden compartment for shipment of drugs by PO).
The new rear seat panel I had made up to copy precisely an original removed
from an old BJ7. The clips and supports I purchased from the Healey Factory &
they seem to fit well.
I was advised to use normal hardware store style hinges to connect the base
of the seat back to the body.
We used holes in the bodywork to locate and connect the rear back support
panels. This in turn suggested the correct location of the hinges to connect
the seat to the car - immediately behind the seats themselves.
But the seat folds forward only about 5% and then fouls on the jump seats.
Do I need special articulating hinges? Or am I misguided in my belieft that
the seat back should fold flat?