I've had great success with Texas Cooler fans on both Healeys I've owned.
I've never heard of them failing due to fatigue. What period of time do you
suspect they start to fatigue? Does anyone else support this theory?
I tried the 6 blade SS fan after Moss recalled their 6 blade fan and found
the noise it made obtrusive before switching to the Texas Cooler. I've been
running cool in the High Desert of California ever since.
Al Adams
----- Original Message -----
From: "Don" <>
To: "'Leonard Berkowitz'" <>
Cc: "Healeys" <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2005 9:58 PM
Subject: RE: running Hot
> Leonard,
> After trashing my Texas cooler because they fatigue with age I found
> that BCS (the Nocks) sold a 6 blade 90 degree SS fan. I have it
> installed on my car and it will cool as good as the Texas cooler if not
> better and it doesn't flex forward so it will never take out your
> radiator unless the pulley flies off.
> Don
> BN4