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Re: Great Roads - California's Pacific Coast Highway

To: "RLR" <xk120fhcse@sbcglobal.net>, <healeys@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Re: Great Roads - California's Pacific Coast Highway
From: "davidwjones" <davidwjones@cox.net>
Date: Fri, 4 Feb 2005 10:10:23 -0500
.......and most period Healey lighting, even with halogen bulbs, and L.
Flamethrowers.... aren't the equivalent of a good set of modern

Never did the drive at night, even in modern transport. If I was in the area,
there were too many good inns, bars, and restaurants in Carmel, and Monterey,
for me to be out on the road at that hour!
Though, once I was at the turnout at the "Seven Sisters(?)" north of Carmel,
when the area was hit by a low -Richter scale trembler.....they were still
sweeping up some broken bar glasses when we walked into a bar in Carmel for
lunch...does that count?

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: RLR
  To: John Soderling ; Healey List
  Sent: Friday, February 04, 2005 8:16 AM
  Subject: Re: Great Roads - California's Pacific Coast Highway

  Agree regarding PCH. Wonderful scenery in the daytime, the drawback being
it's easy to get stuck behind slow-moving vehicles. But it does have the added
bonus of being poorly lit (as in "none") and very little traffic (as in "next
to none") very late at night, so it ranks an A++ in terms of sheer terror
potential. Especially if you're headed south and have a passenger. I'm told
the occasional moonlit glimpses over the edge inspire religion.

  Leave Monterey around 10 PM and by 1 AM you'll be seriously questioning your
sanity. Not that you'll want to stop. I guess the "Catch 22" is that a sane
person wouldn't have started, and since you'd have to be sane to stop, you
press on regardless! Oh wait, that's the whole British sports car thing in a
nutshell anyway.

  Dick Rowley
  BN2, AN5 and a couple non-AH LBC's

  John Soderling <jsoderling@astound.net> wrote:

  I second your nomination of Highway 1, the Pacific Coast Highway along
  California's coast.

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