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Re: tri-carb

To: Bob Spidell <bspidell@pacbell.net>, Kurt Leslie
Subject: Re: tri-carb
From: Earl Kagna <kags@shaw.ca>
Date: Wed, 04 Aug 2004 09:20:28 -0700

I take it that the car is a tri-carb BT7 - the carbs are HS4's.  As Bob
suggested, the extra pipes are the overflows.  On the HS4, the original
set-up was a short, angled clear plastic pipe that ended approx. at the
bottom of the float bowl, still allowing any overflow to dribble all over
the exhaust side of the engine bay - not a real good idea.  Bob's
description sounds like it applies to the twin HD6 equipped BT7
overflow/vent set up.

Another complication here is that there were 2 versions of the HS4 float
bowl / lid as used on the Healeys:  the earlier version simply has holes in
the lid for the fuel overflow - generally these will have brass floats in
them, the later version has plastic floats and an extra spigot for the
overflows.  My tri-carb has the later lids - sounds like yours does too.

What I have done is to simply push on 3 fuel proof drain pipes and route
them to the area of the left engine mount, long enough to be about level
with the frame.  There is no way to route them through the heat shield on
the tri-carb, so a suitable route around it has to be worked out, taking
care to avoid the exhaust down pipes, which would fry the tubing.  Some
strategically placed black zip-ties gather them up and hold them where I
want them.  (No deductions were made in concours judging for this
modification - it was considered to be a safety related item.)

If you have the earlier float bowl lids, there's not much you can do short
of switching to the later lids.

If you have the later lids and are not sure where the fuel lines go, and
where the overflows are, I could try and get you a couple of digital pics of
my engine bay to help out.  Let me know.

Earl Kagna
Victoria, B.C.
BT7 tri-carb

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bob Spidell" <bspidell@pacbell.net>
To: "Kurt Leslie" <kansl@net1plus.com>; <healeys@autox.team.net>
Sent: Wednesday, August 04, 2004 6:42 AM
Subject: Re: tri-carb


Sounds like you're describing the vent tubes/pipes that bolt onto the
top of the float bowl and take a (rounded) 90deg bend downward.
These should have a fuel-proof plastic tube attached that is routed
through hole(s) on the carb heat shield down beside the engine to
about the bottom of the chassis.  They pipe overflow gas--can happen
if your needle valve sticks open--onto the ground instead of letting it
about your engine compartment.

I used some rubber fuel line but (I think) I had to widen the holes
on the heat shield a little.  Use rubber grommets on the heat shield

The pipes should have a couple of gaskets: one is a fiber gasket with
notches cut on the ID that goes under the "banjo" of the pipe, the
other is an aluminum one that goes under the bolt on the top of the

Bob Spidell         San Jose, CA        bspidell@pacbell.net
'67 Austin-Healey 3000             '56 Austin-Healey 100M

> I am currently re-installing carbs on BT-7 and there are two fuel out
> let lines on float chambers both open to the float chamber one from the
> float jet and one from the top of the chamber. There were no lines on
> the second out let when I purchased the car and I haven't seen any info
> on these. Should they be inter connected as an equalizer ?
> Kurt L. Mass

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