Lt Teal Blue Poly For OEM GM 22L82 It also has a PPG number which I
can seem to find now.
Others may have more info. I was locked into this color since this is
what was on the car when purchased.
Hope this helps. If you have a buddy nearby with a straight frame and
engine out I would try to make a jig
with 8 threaded holes or captive nuts for realignment. The chassis
guides in the rear of manuals have measurements
that may be of value if your stripped to the frame.
Ron Fine Esq. wrote:
>Thank you Tracy. The photos of your work will be helpful. One problem I
>have is that the current bad shock plate is not in the right place so I
>don't have the ability to just mark it and put the new one on the same spot.
>I will be trying to use my other side as a guide ( engine is out of the car
>so I have lots of room to work inside). Today I start the process of
>cutting and grinding off the old one. One more question: My car is also
>going to be the same color as yours when it is finally done. Perhaps you
>could give me the information on the paint you used. You said you have it
>mixed up and put in a spray can by a local shop. That would be great for me
>to do the touch up I need to do before the entire body is painted.
>Ron Fine
>--- Original Message -----
>From: "Tracy Drummond" <>
>To: "Ron Fine Esq." <>
>Cc: <>
>Sent: Saturday, June 12, 2004 6:48 AM
>Subject: Re: Replacing Shock Mounting Plate
>>Sorry to delay but here are the pics of my shock tower replacement. I
>>did one side a year ago and this winter
>>did the whole shooting match. this stood up to some pretty agressive
>>driving up in Tahoe a few weeks back.
>>Hope the pics help.
>>Ron Fine Esq. wrote:
>>>I need to replace the left front shock mounting plate on my BN7 (this
>>>hopefully). There was a very bad repair job many years ago which I
>>>when I tried to replace the shock recently. The existing plate is a mess
>>>I have a new plate ready to weld on. I will be doing the R&R myself but
>>>would like to get any helpful hints on aligning the new plate. The right
>>>plate is in good shape so I can use it for a guide. I have Norm Nock's
>>>Talk" which has a simple diagram on page 167. The usual diagrams in the
>>>manuals are hard to read even after blowing them up on my copy machine.
>>>anyone have any helpful hints or advise (other than "take it to a
>>>Thanks in advance.
>>>Ron Fine