I am in the middle of restoring a tri-carb BN7. The Heritage certificate
says is it supposed to have an adjustable steering column. This car had
been completely disassembled years b/4 I bought it, and came w/ the
non-adjustable set up, including the steering wheel and trafficator. From
the amount of "platina" and old paint/crud, these parts look original. I
talked to Bill Bolton (tri-carb and general Healey expert), and he said that
it is not that unusual for a Heritage certificate to have a mistake in it.
So, I'm staying w/ what came w/ the car.
John Snyder
> > This seems like a lot of work for someone like a P.O. to go thru...could
> > Heritage certificate be mistaken and your car was actually built as is?
> > I received my Heritage certificate and it says that I had an adjustable
steering wheel. My car has a complete and working non-adjustable steering
wheel (ie, trafficator, etc ...).