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Re: [FOT] TR3 Oil Filter by-pass

Subject: Re: [FOT] TR3 Oil Filter by-pass
Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2006 12:41:13 EST
In a message dated 3/20/06 7:20:48 PM Pacific Standard Time, 

<< So my thinking now is, enough oil pressure to meet requirements, and no
 more. I rev my engines to 6.8K (maybe a little more when Cameron Healy is in
 front of me), so I need fifty pounds. Call it 70 for good luck and that's
 what I do. From the looks of my engines it's not a bad thing. 

I guess it gets confusing when we talk about oil bypasses.  The way I see it 
(right or wrong) is that there two bypasses in a stock canister filter head:

1) The main oil bypass with the adjustable spring loaded ball: This one is 
adjusted for about 80 psi at 3,000 RPM. In other words, it regulates oil 
pressure by sending the bypassed oil back to the sump.

2) The smaller spring loaded ball in the filter head: This is the one you can 
consider shimming or plugging shut.  Its purpose is to relieve sudden initial 
pressure surges due to cold oil. This oil bypasses the filter.  I believe 
that any oil sent past this ball goes to the oil galley.  It has been a while 
since I have traced the various oil paths.

Another possible confusing factor is that I have two or three different type 
of filter heads lying on the shelves from all of the past engines that I have 
torn apart.

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