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As a secondary measure....please make sure timing is set correctly and mixtu=
re isn't lean. Lean and retarded runs hot hot hot!
John Over
Sent from my iPhone
> On Apr 3, 2015, at 4:37 PM, Charles Hubbard via Datsun-roadsters <datsun-r=
oadsters@autox.team.net> wrote:
> My 1964 SPL310 (1500) has run hot since day one. It has a fairly pristin=
e 3-row radiator core. I live in the Dallas Texas, area, and it gets prett=
y hot around here. The stock idiot gauge steadily pegs on the highway at ab=
out 65 mph. I put an after market gauge in which showed the temperature clo=
se to 290 deg. Slowing down to 55 MPH brings the temperature down but it st=
ill runs at 275deg. After running around town and turning the motor off, it=
often blows most of the coolant from the upper tank through the overflow tu=
be. It often vapor locks after it gets turned off. I took my radiator to t=
he local old school radiator guru today. He did a flow test and it was fine.=
However, he noticed that my cap was pretty week. He thinks my stock cap m=
ay only be a 3-4lb cap and suggested that I purchase a 12 lb cap. . He's t=
hinking that that my roadster may be continuously be losing coolant when it g=
ets pressurised and allows air into the system, which makes the car run even=
hotter. A tighter cap would hold coolant better and help the cooling. The=
temperature would stay lower, even under more pressure. The stock radiator c=
aps are not exactly growing on trees, so getting a 12 lb cap to give it a tr=
y may not be obtainable. The radiator shop says they can put a new cap asse=
mbly o the unit, but I hate doing that before I even know if it will solve m=
y issue. Does anyone know a source for a 12lb cap that will fit a 1500 radi=
ator? Feedback from those in the know would be appreciated.
> .Charlie Hubbard
> Flower Mound, TX
> cehubbard@verizon.net
> ________________________________________
> datsun-roadsters@autox.team.net
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<html><head><meta http-equiv=3D"content-type" content=3D"text/html; charset=3D=
utf-8"></head><body dir=3D"auto"><div>Charlie,</div><div><br></div><div>As a=
secondary measure....please make sure timing is set correctly and mixture i=
sn't lean. Lean and retarded runs hot hot hot!</div><div><br></div><di=
v>John Over</div><div>Denver<br><br>Sent from my iPhone</div><div><br>On Apr=
3, 2015, at 4:37 PM, Charles Hubbard via Datsun-roadsters <<a href=3D"ma=
; wrote:<br><br></div><blockquote type=3D"cite"><div><div style=3D"FONT-FAMI=
LY: Arial; COLOR: rgb(0, 0, 0); FONT-SIZE: 12px"><div> My 1964 SPL310 (=
1500) has run hot since day one. It has a fairly pristine 3-row radiat=
or core. I live in the Dallas Texas, area, and it gets pretty ho=
t around here. The stock idiot gauge steadily pegs on the highway at a=
bout 65 mph. I put an after market gauge in which showed the temperatu=
re close to 290 deg. Slowing down to 55 MPH brings the temperature dow=
n but it still runs at 275deg. After running around town and turning t=
he motor off, it often blows most of the coolant from the upper tank through=
the overflow tube. It often vapor locks after it gets turned off. &nb=
sp;I took my radiator to the local old school radiator guru today. He did a f=
low test and it was fine. However, he noticed that my cap was pretty w=
eek. He thinks my stock cap may only be a 3-4lb cap and suggested that=
I purchase a 12 lb cap. . He's thinking that that my roadster m=
ay be continuously be losing coolant when it gets pressurised and allows air=
into the system, which makes the car run even hotter. A tighter cap w=
ould hold coolant better and help the cooling. The temperature would s=
tay lower, even under more pressure. The stock radiator caps are not exactly=
growing on trees, so getting a 12 lb cap to give it a try may not be obtain=
able. The radiator shop says they can put a new cap assembly o the uni=
t, but I hate doing that before I even know if it will solve my issue.  =
;Does anyone know a source for a 12lb cap that will fit a 1500 radiator? &nb=
sp;Feedback from those in the know would be appreciated.</div><div><br></div=
><div>.<span style=3D"font-family: Arial; font-size: 12px;">Charlie Hubbard<=
/span></div><span><div style=3D"FONT-FAMILY: Arial; COLOR: rgb(0, 0, 0); FON=
T-SIZE: 12px">Flower Mound, TX<br><a href=3D"mailto:cehubbard@verizon.net";>c=
</div></blockquote><blockquote type=3D"cite"><div><span>____________________=
____________________</span><br><span></span><br><span><a href=3D"mailto:dats=
span></span><br><span>Donate: <a href=3D"http://www.team.net/donate.html";>ht=
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s: <a href=3D"http://www.team.net/forums";>http://www.team.net/forums</a></sp=
an><br><span>Unsubscribe: <a href=3D"http://autox.team.net/mailman/options/d=
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