The engine has been prepped and machined for reassembly, this is the final
cleaning. Whether the cam came out during the "hot tank the block" i have no
idea. The crankshaft is out. The head is off and I believe was resurfaced.
Everything looks super clean but the machinist said "clean, blow out the dust"
etc How much was done to the engine was dependent on what had to be done, and
what Peter wanted to be done. Some parts may have been OK? and therefor were
not replaced. Mark de Groeff was the machinist and he knows Roadsters very well
and is very meticulous and has a great reputation, highly recommended by Dean,
but of course is always limited by what the customer wants, can afford etc etc
as well as when the engine was last rebuilt etc etc.
?It is good to know that cam bearings "should" be replaced in an engine
rebuild, according to some.
As we all know, I barely know what a cam is, so I am trying to provide accurate
info and do the research in order to help my Roadster pal Peter who has been
very helpful to me in getting my car roadworthy.
So far with step 1-cleaning we have a lot of good info.
More questions to follow I am sure.
-----Original Message-----
From: Pete Peters <>
To: Datsun Roadster List <>
Sent: Fri, Sep 18, 2009 9:25 am
Subject: Re: [Roadsters] Removing the cam
Linda and Peter,
There's been a lot of discussion about removing the cam, cleaning the block,
reassembly, but one thing is not clear, at least to me:
Has the machine work already been done, or is removing the cam the last bit of
disassembly before having machine work done?
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