I searched 00310-51500 in July 1st 2009 Nissan Motor Parts book CD file. The
information in the CD references a service file note recommending the
purchaser USE 17010-12202 complete fuel pump assembly indicating that the fuel
pump kit is no longer available here in US.
When I searched the fuel pump kit at NNANET.COM no Nissan dealers show
inventory in the states.
When a VOR inquiery was made for the complete 17010-12202 fuel pump assembly
the results show 0 on hand at the Nissan warehouses. The item is currently on
back order.
That leaves the regular vendors or EBAY sellers who carry NOS stock of the
fuel pump kit or complete fuel pump assembly.
Hope that helps.
--- On Fri, 9/18/09, Tim <tputland@charter.net> wrote:
From: Tim <tputland@charter.net>
Subject: Re: [Roadsters] fuel pump kit
To: "datsun-roadsters: autox.team.net" <datsun-roadsters@autox.team.net>
Date: Friday, September 18, 2009, 5:40 AM
I know I can get if from a vendor and plan on doing that.
But, I like to try to order parts directly from Nissan so Nissan North America
see that the demand is there.
---- Tim <tputland@charter.net> wrote:
Is there a Nissan part number for the fuel pump rebuild kit?
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