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Re: slightly OT: purchasing a non titled car

Subject: Re: slightly OT: purchasing a non titled car
From: Andy Cost <>
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2006 12:27:09 -0600 (GMT-06:00)
I've had good luck with having the registered owner sign a power of attorney on 
the vehicle in question.  I then skip all the middle men and file for a lost 
title using the power of attorney.  The new copy of the title is not signed 
over to anyone.  I then use the power of attorney to sign the new title over to 
myself.  Sometimes you have to get two copies of the power of attorney, one for 
each action.  I've found that the registered owner is more willing to help out 
than the DMV, especially if you show up with a case of beer.  I've done this 
twice with good results.


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