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Re: All Datsun v Roadsters

To: Roadster List <>
Subject: Re: All Datsun v Roadsters
From: Ronnie Day <>
Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2005 19:11:09 -0500
As I understand it, last year the Thursday after July 4th Thunderhill had
long been booked. The same thing happened this year, sort of. Another group,
maybe larger meaning more money for T/H, had July 7th tentatively booked,
then confirmed it late last year.

Since the track day goes a long way toward covering the overhead of the
entire weekend, the availability of the track pretty much dictates when the
All Datsun happens these days.

A bummer for us since Elayne's cousin down in Ramona scheduled their reunion
July 15th to the 17th based on the original (July 7 to 10) All Datsun dates.
I'd scheduled 4 weeks off and we were planning another big circle tour like
we did in '99, Shasta to San Diego to Phoenix, then home.

We have talked about leaving here on Sunday, getting into Willows on
Wednesday. That way we could see most of the crew at T/H , then head south
on Thursday evening when most everyone heads north. Still in early planning.


> John F

> I've long ago given up trying to figure out the relationship between the two
> groups which ranges from 'friendliness' to 'coolness' to 'stand-off-ish' to
> outright hostility.
> Solvang is my one 'Roadster' road trip now - the people are nice, the drive
> isn't as long, the events are fun, and better wine country there.

>> John S

>> So, last year the two meets were on separate weekends presumably
>> because of a scheduling conflict at the Lodge. But two years in
>> a row? Anyone know if this year's split was intentional?
>> Phyllis and crew do a wonderful job of pulling together the Roadster
>> group, and I sincerely appreciate it. It's also fun, however, to see
>> what the 'other half' is up to. I really, really missed not seeing the
>> people I'd gotten to know up at the Lodge last year...

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