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somewhat OT: "Wild Man" ???

To: <datsun-roadsters@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: somewhat OT: "Wild Man" ???
From: "O'Farrell, Fergus" <>
Date: Fri, 10 Dec 2004 05:44:53 -0800
<<.. has told me that I (V. Laury) have been described as a "Wild Man" by a 
compatriot. Now, how would anyone come to that impression of little old moi? 
:-) >>

Ya know Vic, having ridden as a co-pilot on the Solvang fun run, I would 
consider more appropriate titles to be "durability test department, regional 
test lead", "traction threshold investigator", and in my case, "SU equilibrium 
coordinator". (a little George Carlin-esque word twisting.  don't get me 
started with the aerospace acronyms.)
On that run we got a little off course (navigator grinning too big and/or 
white-knuckling the map) and after an impromptu U-turn (reminiscent of a Jim 
Rockford episode), I would have to take issue in your use of the words "little" 
and "old".
Anyway, enough fodder.  Thanks for the write-up (Gary C) on the Lake Hughes / 
Frazier Park run, sounded like a blast and made me bummed I missed The Rock 
Cafe.   Hope I can make it this Saturday, but chances aren't too good.  FergO 
in Huntington Beach

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