For those that are curious about the roadster sightings in The
I had very little to do with it, since I did not directly work on the
film. I am actually working on Pixar's next movie "Cars". There are a
lot of car nuts at Pixar and every year there is a Pixar Car show for
people to display their old cars. Of course every year I bring out my
roadster as well. Because of that they were looking for 60's style
cars, and lo and behold there is one in the parking lot that they can
look at for "inspiration".
A few months later, a friend in the art department tells me that my car
is going to be in the Incredibles as a background car. So in an
indirect way, yes, I had something to do with getting our little
roadsters in the movie. (although technically they are not "officially"
Datsun roadsters but cars that just happen to look like them for legal
-Hoon Kim