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Re: rat update and carb questions

To:, datsun-roadsters@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: rat update and carb questions
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 2004 18:14:55 EST
In a message dated 12/1/2004 1:50:02 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

posted  an update on the rat project  - the new stuff starts with the 
"head"  link from this page

I have a few  questions about carbs for a '68 1600:

The rear carb should have the  anti-flowback fuel valve? (car has a fuel 
return line)
Yes, it is actually a thermal return valve. When it gets hot it  bleeds a 
little fuel back to the tank to reduce vapor  locking.

The  rear carb should have the vacuum fitting, correct?

I know that the choke lever pulls the metering nozzles down and  also 
opens up the butterfly valves a bit for starting. Should the  butterfly 
open enough to expose the vacuum hole? Any way of measuring this  so 
that I can make both carbs open the same amount?

The vacume port will be uncovered. To measure take  small drill bits and 
slide them in the space between the butterfly and the  body. The bent wire link 
the side of the carb can be tweaked to adjust the  opening. 

Thanks everybody!

Leigh Brooks

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