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Re: Not another Brake Question NOT

To: James Richards <>
Subject: Re: Not another Brake Question NOT
From: John F Sandhoff <>
Date: Sun, 10 Oct 2004 20:36:53 -0700 (PDT)
> The 69/1600 roadster I have acquired runs strong and is a lot of fun
> to drive. A little underpowered compared to the British versions. 

It always tends get my hackles up when someone 'disses our cars
and then asks for help with one... Oh well...

Find an SU expert and get a tuneup.

> I am not sure if I have the brakes working as well as they should.

>From your description, no you do not. Peoperly set up, the original
brakes can pull these cars down very nicely. Classic cars that weight
twice as much use the same caliper setup.

Check the thickness of the front rotors. Too-thin rotors will
allow the pads to bottom out on the bridge before hitting the
rotor. Firm pedal, no brakes.

And the brake brace, if you have any deflection from a cracked
firewall, will make a significant improvement.

-- John
    John F Sandhoff   Sacramento, CA

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