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RE: Newbie to list with questions

To: <>
Subject: RE: Newbie to list with questions
From: "Brian Hollands" <>
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 2004 09:08:24 -0400
A good 2000 will spank a 914 on at an autocross.  In fact, SCCA just
published a proposal for member content to move the 914's (1.7, 1.8, &
2.0) down from CSP to DSP.  FWIW, neither car is competitive in stock
trim.  The only advantage the 914 has is that it's suspension is much
more compliant over bumpy stuff.  The fact remains that the 2L Roadsters
are much faster than any of their contemporaries, especially with the
Interesting that it's brought up though as SCCA has a class called
Street Modified (SM2 actually) that I'd love to build a car for.  It's a
very radical class that allows same make engine swaps among other
expensive things.  The two thought's I've had for the class are either
an SR20DET powered Roadster (or a 510) or a 914 with a supercharged
3.0SC engine.  
Either would be fun...  Well, until you had to pay for tires.

Brian '69 2000
Tampa, FL

The nice thing about the 914 is that it's like a 4-wheeled motorcycle.
mid-engine and almost perfect weight split makes 'em run like they're on
rails. I love diving the thing into a sharp corner. I'm told they still
pretty well in autocross events. 30+ mpg is nice, especially these days.

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