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RE: 2 cylinder 2000 solex problem

Subject: RE: 2 cylinder 2000 solex problem
From: Andy Cost <>
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2004 14:54:48 -0500 (GMT-05:00)
My solexes have the same problem.  Someone broke two of the needles off in the 
holes.  They also stripped out the threaded portion of the carb body.  There 
isn't much hope for fixing them.  I tapped and installed oversized holes and 
then put bolts in.  The carbs still work, but not very well at idle.  I think 
the PO swapped around jetting so that the carbs worked somewhat at idle without 
the needles installed.  Regardless, the car runs roughly at idle on all four 
cylinders.  It does not completely cut out at idle.  I also have a mondo cam 
that makes it idle rough anyway.  It is my opinoin that his problem is not 
related to the carbs idle circuit.  Either there is no gas getting to those two 
throats, or there is no spark.  Otherwise, it would run a little bit on those 
two cylinders.

>If  this is occurring only at idle: the idle adjustment screws over the
>throat of each barrel may not be turned out enough. These screws are
brass >and I have seen people bottom them out and twist the pointed tip
off in the >casting. Years and years of bottoming the screw and then
backing it to the >set idle weakens the brass tip. God help you if this
is the issue. 

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