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Re: starved for fuel

To: "Matt Jacquet" <>,
Subject: Re: starved for fuel
From: "mike" <>
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2004 13:50:18 -0500
Your car probably has a mild case of "sit-i-tus". The needle and seats are
gummed shut. Any time I've taken possession of a "stored" car or even a
daily driven one,
 I always like to go thru the tune-up fundamentals myself.

That way, I can get an idea of what to expect as far as reliable
If your fuel pump is just not suckin it up, I've always found that the
does a great job of "priming" the fuel pump! But you have to get
the engine running to pump gas, right?

Pull the hose connection from the fuel pump, inject gas into the carb fuel
using a container with one of those cone caps like on gear oil bottles,
reconnect the fuel line, and fire it up! I've done this countless times on
the 30 Volvos I've owned and on the roadster whenever the need arises.
Good Luck
Mike H.  67-1600
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Matt Jacquet" <>
To: "Datsun-Roadsters@Autox. Team. Net" <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2004 12:24 PM
Subject: starved for fuel

> List,
> Picked up a daily driver from a good friend, it needs a little TLC but
> should be a good runner for my commute.
> 68 1600 stock, has been sitting for sometime (6 months) but has been
> and ran fine 5-6 times during storage.
> New symptom:
> Starter cranks hard but no fuel is being delivered from the tank to the
> filter, it dry as a bone.
> PO said that this had happened once before and he install new stock fuel
> pump thinking that this was the issue. Solved the problem but it has
> reoccurred. Had it towed and now is in my garage awaiting post Solvang
> "surgery". Tow driver thought that the float valve/valves may be stuck
> closed causing the system to fail.
> TIA!
> Matt
> 68 1600 silver
> 68 1600 white

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