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Re: a few questions

To: John Sciulli <>
Subject: Re: a few questions
From: "" <>
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2004 19:14:34 -0500
I don't claim to be an expert, I just spout off like I think I am one...
 but here are some answers. :-)

Quoting John Sciulli <>:

> Hi List.
> I have a few questions that I have with my roadster that I would love
> if
> someone can help me out with since I cant figure them out.
> 1. Under braking, my car pulls, but not too badly, to the right. Is
> that a
> sign of brakes that need to be done?

Could be leaking fluid on one set of pads (leak), could be stuck
piston(s), could be lines are clogged and not letting as much pressure
through, could be pads are too low and not making complete contact. 
Best to take the tires off and examine them.

> 2. When I drive my car, there is a smell like I am leaking coolant
> and its
> hitting the hot engine somewhere. I cant find it and was wondering if
> there
> is a certain place or if its a water pump problem?

You're probably leaking coolant. :-)  Could be from the weep hole in the
water pump, which if in small amounts can be difficult to find.  Could
be from lines to/from heater core or from heater core itself.  Could be
from radiator or radiator hoses.  Again, best to examine each closely.

> 3. How do you adjust the parking brake? Mine doesn't do very much and
> I
> would love to have it working.

There are two things to adjust.  First, adjust the rear brakes properly
because the emergency brake only activates the rear brakes.  If they're
not adjusted properly, the emergency brake won't work very well.

Once that's done, there's a turnbuckle (?) near the rear axle that the
cable attaches to.  This cable has an adjustment point that can take up
slack.  When properly adjusted, it shouldn't take many clicks of the
emergency brake to engage.

> 4. Finally, I was thinking of removing my over riders from the rear
> bumper.
> What can I use to cover up the holes. My bumpers are already all
> re-chromed
> so the option to weld something and re-chrome is not an option.

Welding and rechroming is an option, just an expensive one. :-)

They make chrome plugs specifically for this purpose.  Vendors should
have them.

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